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There are so many resources out there for photographers which is incredible, but can also cause a lot of confusion when it comes to deciding what is *actually* useful and...

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Quarterly Goal Setting

Let's chat about goal setting!

I like to break up my goals into monthly, quarterly, and yearly.

In case you don’t know what quarterly goals are, I’ve gotchu covered. These are big projects or milestones that you want to accomplish in three months time. These are bigger than just editing a gallery, or sending a few emails. There are larger, overarching projects that have the ability to really move the needle in your biz!

First, you need to sit down and look back at all you’ve accomplished in the last three months. Whether or not you actually planned out your first quarter, I encourage you to map out all you DID accomplish. What are your big wins?? Celebrate those things!! You did this, regardless of whether you realized it or not. And maybe there were things you hoped to get done but didn’t? No biggie. That’s what a new quarter is for. Take those loose ends and let’s roll them into step two…

Planning! It’s time to set some goals for quarter two! What are the big things you want to accomplish this quarter? Do you have a certain number of weddings you want to book? Or a course you want to take? Whatever the goals, make sure you write them down! Don’t let this just be dreams floating around your head. Putting them down on paper instantly makes them tangible. Place them in a spot that’s super visible (either at your desk or on your mirror) and go back to them often. This reminds you of what you’re actively working towards daily and keeps it at the forefront of your mind.

And this brings us to our last step, make a plan to execute! This is where you ask yourself… HOW are we going to accomplish these goals?

For example, if you’re hoping to book a specific amount of weddings, that might mean building out an advertising or marketing plan. Do you have new gear you want to buy? It sounds like it’s time to map out your income for this quarter and see how much you need to make to snag it! Do you want to invest in education to up your game? Start doing your research NOW to find what course you want. (I have a place for you to start if you need a lil push, Join Rise Here!

Whatever your goals, create action steps, and then make sure you don’t let them fall to the wayside. You’re only going to reach your second quarter goals if you’re actively putting in the work to get yourself there.

Just know that I believe in you. You’ve got this! Let’s kick some Q2 butt, friends!

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