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Business Roadmap For Photographers

There are so many resources out there for photographers which is incredible, but can also cause a lot of confusion when it comes to deciding what is *actually* useful and...

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This Should Be Your #1 Priority as a Business Owner

If there’s ONE thing all business owners need, it’s THIS.

If you’ve been in business longer than 10 minutes, you’ve totally heard this before:

Having yourself covered legally is SO SO vital. I wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t true! As creatives, it’s easy to toss the legalities of business to the curb, but it will sneak up on you. If you set yourself up from the get-go, you will be golden.

I’m not a lawyer, so I can't snap my fingers and fix any of your legal issues or single-handedly set you up for success, BUT I can point you in the right direction.

Besides filing your business in your state, the most crucial legal task is having contracts in place! It’s one of those things… you don’t realize you need it until you do. Please please please don’t put yourself in a position where you should’ve gotten contracts earlier.

You NEVER know what kind of thing can happen, and with COVID going on, it’s more important than ever to cover your bases early-on.

“Okay Dawn, but when should I get contracts in place?”

My answer to that: As soon as you make your first $1 in business! When you get your first client, it’s time to have a contract ready for them to sign.

As you all probably know by now, I’m so passionate about looking to others throughout the journey to entrepreneurship (which is exactly why I love educating & bringing in experts who are in different industries). I don’t think you have to figure this out alone in your business. There’s no need for guessing or crossing your fingers, hoping that your homemade contract is going to get you by-- there are people who have gone before you and can help you succeed from the get-go.

Because I know what it’s like to be in this industry, and have learned allllll the ins & outs of what your contract NEEDS, I’ve partnered up with my incredible Contract Lawyer to provide you with DC Contract Templates. A set of customizable contracts for Wedding Photography, Portrait Photography, and Cancellation Agreements. I know this topic can be daunting, and expensive! So I wanted to create something as simple as copy and paste, at a suuuuper affordable price, so that you can have the peace of mind you deserve!

Can I get real with you for a second?

The legal side of business has never been my favorite, and I’m guessing the same is true for you. I’ve always been so excited to invest into courses, new equipment, and softwares to help my business grow. Legal stuff? It has neverrr seemed that exciting.

And honestly, it isn’t the most exciting. But I will say this… It’s FAR more important to have yourself covered first. Otherwise it will be pretty risky to grow your business.

So take it from me, get yourself covered. Have contracts in place, and know that oftentimes a generic contract might not do the job!

The DC Contract sale is ending TONIGHT, so don't wait to go grab yours in the shop!


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